La tecnología músico-gestual para la inclusión social: uso de MotionComposer en una experiencia formativa en los Grados de Educación

Music-gestural technology for social inclusion: use of MotionComposer in a formative experience in the Education Degree programs



Music education is moving towards more inclusive and democratic methodologies. On this path, the use of digital technology appears as an effective resource to promote experiences and learning that stimulate creativity and educational inclusion in diverse contexts. Digital instruments favor these objectives as they can be adapted to people's needs and do not require technical and musical skills for their interpretation. The present study describes an educational experience focused on the use of the MotionComposer musical device as a vehicle for the development of digital and transversal competencies and knowledge about inclusive music education in the context of educator training. The objective is to analyze the perceptions of students of the Degrees of Education about the possibilities offered by this device in their training and professional performance. Several educational actions have been carried out for subsequent analysis through observations and questionnaires. The results highlight the educational potential of MotionComposer as a resource that promotes inclusion, service-learning, musical experimentation and expression, innovation and the development of transdisciplinary and transversal learning necessary for the professional performance of future educators.

Author Biographies

Alicia Peñalba, University of Valladolid

Catedrática de Música en la Universidad de Valladolid. Doctora en Musicología (Premio Nacional de final de licenciatura y doctorado), flautista, logopeda y musicoterapeuta.

Yurima Blanco, Universidad de Valladolid

Becaria de investigación doctoral en la UVa. Musicóloga.





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