Taking steps: Construction of an analysis tool to study the interaction during a lap game


  • Jessica Pérez Moreno University of London


Early childhood, analysis tool, interaction, emerging research, lap games, multimodality, observation.


This article discusses the construction of an instrument for the analysis of the adult-child interaction during lap games coming from the traditional repertoire of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. This research, whicih is part of a Teacher Training and Innovation Project, aims to study from two analytical perspectives musical situations which usually happen during the daily lives of a two-year-old group of children. The research process was emerging while being carried out mainly based on video data collection. As part of the analysis process, an analysis tool and two guides are constructed for categorization, one for music and another for gesture, spacial and linguistic issues. It is, therefore, a tool that takes into account multiple communication modes involved in the realization of lap games, allowing a holistic study. The thoroughness of issues analyzed allows to consider this activity as solid basis for musical learning that let us be aware of the impact for future interactions.

Author Biography

Jessica Pérez Moreno, University of London

Departament of Cultual, Communication and Social Media

Visiting Research Associate


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