Music teacher education in Portugal. Contributions for a reflection in context.
Bologna Declaration, music teacher education, critical thinking.Abstract
This article presents the context of music teacher education in Portugal after the Bologna Declaration. In the backdrop of the present economic, political and financial situation with its sociological and philosophical complexities, the construction of curricula for music teacher education cannot avoid the discussion around a new teaching and learning paradigm, which takes as starting points the development of general skills–instrumental, interpersonal, and systemic–as well as those of musical nature, leading to a significant educational interaction within the Higher Education European Space. The challenge of such an approach of music teacher education is addressed under a critical perspective, with an emphasis on the possible dangers that may come from a distorted vision, essentially moved by economical motivations. This article, beyond government educational policies and the present institutional restrictions, also addresses the imperative that music education be positioned in a world of tensions and conflicts, in confrontation with political turbulences and with the absence of equality of opportunities at the social, economic, and political levels.References
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