The construction of universal knowledge in the tango scene at the beginning of the 21st century. The Orlando Goñi School experience.
Tango, neo-contentionusness, decoloniality of knowledge, construction and circulation of knowledge.Abstract
This article focuses on the genesis of a cooperative school born from historical needs in the Buenos Aires tango of the 1990s. In a musical scene dominated by the rules of the game of neoliberalism, the tango lived a revitalised renaissance by a “neo-contentiousness” in public milieus with voluntary donations. In this co-management modality, a proper way of circulating knowledge was structured. Defined by one of its founders as “very little formal, but very serious”, the Orlando Goñi School constitutes a successful experience in the construction and circulation of knowledge in the language of tango.This work aims to characterize the Goñi School as a decolonial experience, based on the analysis of the main features of its genesis process, as well as on the progressive identity and institutionalization by means of precepts and norms, taking as a starting point the conversation with Julián Peralta, one of the founders, teacher, cultural manager and renowned tango musician of the last twenty years.
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