Evaluating Secondary Education teachers’ attitudes and uses with ICTs


  • José Luis Guerrero Valiente Universidad de Granada


ICT, music education, questionnaire, Secondary Education, music, music technology.


This paper reports a study about Secondary Education teachers’ attitudes and uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the province of Cádiz (Andalusia, Spain).
We employed a quantitative methodology, an online questionnaire, to be exact, surveyed to the entire target population. Outcomes comes from both a descriptive study, where response rates given by teachers were analyzed, and an inferential study, where some items were found significant for some variables: sex; age; degree; courses given; years of teaching experience; proficiency in ICT; and equipment available at the music room. We obtained a representative sample of 82 teachers and the results were analyzed taking into account issues such as teacher training, infrastructure of schools and the educational use of ICT.


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