Students’ motivation to study music: The Mexican context
competence beliefs, expectancy-value theory, cross-cultural comparisons, motivation, music education, school subjects, self-beliefs, task difficulty, values.Abstract
This article reports the Mexican component of an international mapping exercise that examined students’ motivation to study music as compared to other school subjects, taking into consideration the particular context of each country. Based on an expectancy-value theoretical framework, questionnaires were used to examine students’ competence beliefs, values, and perceptions of task difficulty. A sample of 3613 students (grades 4—12) was drawn from three different school systems: state, federal and private. Mixed-design ANOVAs were used to examine students’ cumulative mean ratings of the motivational constructs, in order to determine differences across school levels and systems. Results of the study suggest students held low perceptions of the value of school music and low expectations for success in learning music across the three surveyed school systems and levels of schooling. However, students who were learning music showed more positive motivation not only in music but in all the other school subjects.References
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