Motivational Strategies for Instrumental Training


  • Silvia Tripiana Muñoz Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón


Music education, instrumental training, motivation, pedagogic strategies, individual practice.


A priori it seems that the use of motivational strategies is not applicable to something so vocational as the learning of a musical instrument. However, the many years of academic development linked to the search for autonomy in individual study, which accompanies the performer for life, point to the need to assess the role played by motivation in these types of teaching.
This article emphasizes that music students require responses and objectives for adequate self-motivation. At the same time, various strategies are presented that can assist teachers in the preparation and development of the instrumental class as well as other topics that concern students in the realization of their individual practice. All of the strategies have been taken from recent perspectives on motivation towards learning in general education, establishing relevant relations and their possible application in the field of instrumental practice.
In conclusion, the article is based on the idea that a motivated student will reach greater musical achievements which will result in professional performance of greater quality.

Author Biography

Silvia Tripiana Muñoz, Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón

Dra. Dña. Silvia Tripiana Muñoz, pianista, Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación y ejerce su labor docente como catedrática en el Departamento de Piano del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón.


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