An inclusive youth orchestra: Pedagogy, pastoral care and performance.


  • Lina (Athanasia-Angelikí) Tsaklagkanou
  • Andrea Creech


Inclusive, orchestra, ensemble, pedagogy, residential.


The inspiration for this study was a ‘critical incident’ that followed the annual end-of-course concert of the National Orchestra for All (NOFA), a non-auditioned, El Sistema inspired orchestra open to young players of all standards who face barriers in music making.
The study examines the perceived features of the inclusive environment of the orchestra and the processes that mediated the diversity of the ensemble and which were significant in assisting the participants to achieve a high level of musical cohesiveness. In particular, it examines the features of pedagogy, pastoral care and performance during the residential orchestral course. NOFA’s main experience happens during a four-day summer residential course, which has intensive rehearsal schedules, sectional work and whole orchestra, culminating in a final concert. This case study draws information from an ethnographic perspective through observations, reflections as a participant observer, focus groups and interviews.
Findings suggested that the pedagogy was focused in the group as a whole, promoted collaboration between all involved and fostered motivation for personal mastery in order to support a collective effort.  Pastoral care features such as care, safety, structure and freedom, represented a family-like world. Participants felt, excited, nervous and proud during the performance, which had a high level of musical cohesiveness as a perceived result of the collective energy made from individual effort.


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